In Montana, the power to shape our judiciary is in your hands. Elect Montana Supreme Court Justices who uphold our values and rights.

Stand Strong. Stand Independent. Stand with Katherine Bidegaray for Montana Supreme Court.

As a lifelong Montanan, the essence of independence is deeply ingrained in me. My Basque parents, who etched out a living on Montana's daunting prairie, taught me the virtues of standing firm, confronting challenges directly, and resisting the urge to follow the crowd. This steadfast spirit is the cornerstone of my bid for the Montana Supreme Court.

My roots are deeply embedded in Montana's soil. Growing up on a family farm/ranch, I was instilled with the values of resilience and a profound respect for the unique liberties safeguarded by our Montana Constitution. These liberties are more than mere text; they symbolize the chance for families like ours to overcome obstacles and forge a prosperous path forward.

The character of Montana shapes us. We meet adversity with determination and embrace life with a robust sense of community. Our actions are not dictated by conformity but propelled by a trailblazing spirit that encourages mutual uplift and shared success. This principle was vividly illustrated when my family was on the verge of losing our farm following my father's untimely death. As a determined law student, I successfully challenged an impersonal system and secured a win not only for my family but for every Montanan who faces injustice.

In over two decades as a district court judge, I have witnessed the judiciary's crucial role in maintaining justice and the rule of law. My efforts to establish treatment courts have not only saved taxpayers money but have also changed lives for the better. I have consistently advocated for individual rights, a testament to my commitment to the people I serve.

Currently, our legal system and the rights it protects – including privacy, education, and the conservation of Montana's untouched landscapes – are facing significant threats. My campaign represents a defense of these values and the integrity of Montana's judiciary. With more than 38 years in the legal and judicial fields, I am exceptionally equipped to defend the constitution and serve every Montanan.

As your justice, I will be a leader, not a follower. Just as my family overcame adversity, I will stand resilient against challenges. I will not succumb to political pressures or special interests; my guidance will always be the steadfast principles of our constitution.

I invite you to join this crucial effort. Utilize your voice, your vote, and your influence to safeguard the distinct heritage of Montana. Let's ensure our state remains an unparalleled haven, a land led not by followers, but by leaders. Vote for Judge Katherine Bidegaray for the Montana Supreme Court, and together, we'll craft a future of justice, strength, and independence for all.

Standing Firm for Montana

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